Patterson, Scott
Dark pools: the rise of the machine traders and the rigging of the US stock market - New York Crown Business 2013 - 362 p.
Contiene: I. Machine v. machine: 1. Trading machines.- 2. The size game.- 3. Algo wars.- 4. 0+.-- II. Birth of the machine: 5. Bandits.- 6. The watcher.- 7. Monster key.- 8. The island.- 9. The green machine.- 10. Archipelago.- 11. Everyone cares.- 12. Palace coup.- 13. Band pennies.- 14. Dumb money.- 15. Trade bots.- 16. Crazy numbers.- 17. I do not want to be a famous person.-- III. Triumph of the machine: 18. The beast.- 19. The platform.- 20. Panic ticks.- 21. Very dangerous.-- IV. Future of the machine: 22. A rigged game.- 23. The big data.- 24. Advanced chess.- 25. Star.- 26. The year of the glitch
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Dark pools: the rise of the machine traders and the rigging of the US stock market - New York Crown Business 2013 - 362 p.
Contiene: I. Machine v. machine: 1. Trading machines.- 2. The size game.- 3. Algo wars.- 4. 0+.-- II. Birth of the machine: 5. Bandits.- 6. The watcher.- 7. Monster key.- 8. The island.- 9. The green machine.- 10. Archipelago.- 11. Everyone cares.- 12. Palace coup.- 13. Band pennies.- 14. Dumb money.- 15. Trade bots.- 16. Crazy numbers.- 17. I do not want to be a famous person.-- III. Triumph of the machine: 18. The beast.- 19. The platform.- 20. Panic ticks.- 21. Very dangerous.-- IV. Future of the machine: 22. A rigged game.- 23. The big data.- 24. Advanced chess.- 25. Star.- 26. The year of the glitch
Negociación electrónica
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