Tillinghast, Joel

Big money thinks small: biases, blind spots, and smarter investing - New York Columbia University Press 2017 - 293 p.

Contiene: I. Sleight of mind: 1. It´s mad, mad world.- 2. Silly Huaman Tricks (decision biases).- 3. Gamblers speculators, and investors.- 4. Mind over money.-- II. Blind spots: 5. Need to know?.- 6. It's the simple life for me.- 7. Thinking small.- 8. Bulls in the CHina shop.-- III. Honest, capable fiduciaries: 9. Dare to be great! Or, distinctive character.- 10. Bang for the buck.- 11. Do the bad guys wear black hats?.- 12. Shipping bricks and other accounting riddles.-- IV. Live long and prosper: 13. Is the end near?.- 14. Oil gushers and slicks.- 15. Tech stocks and science fiction.- 16. How much debt is too much?.-- V. What's it worth?: 17. Will the lowest be raised up?.- 18. Which earnings number?.- 19. The art of judging value.- 20. Double bubble trouble.- 21. Two paradigms.



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