Learning about the term structure and optimal rules for inflation targeting
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Contiene: 1. Introduction.- 2. The Environment.- 3. Strict In°ation Targeting under Perfect Knowl-edge.- 4. Imperfect Knowledge, Beliefs and Learning.- 5. Passive Learning: Certainty Equivalence vs. Myopic.- 6. Optimal Monetary Policy under Active Learn-ing.- 7. Numerical Results.- 8. Concluding Remarks.
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Contiene: 1. Introduction.- 2. The Environment.- 3. Strict In°ation Targeting under Perfect Knowl-edge.- 4. Imperfect Knowledge, Beliefs and Learning.- 5. Passive Learning: Certainty Equivalence vs. Myopic.- 6. Optimal Monetary Policy under Active Learn-ing.- 7. Numerical Results.- 8. Concluding Remarks.
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