The metaverse economy how finance professionals can make sense of web3
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Contiene: I. Background: 1. The birth of web2.- 2. Web2 business models.- 3. Monetizing users.-- II. The future is web3: 1. What Kind of web do we want?.- 2. Trust at the Core.- III. Non-fungible tokens (NTFs) and the ownership economy: 1. A brief history.- 2. Economic model elements.- 3. More than just digital art.-- IV. Decentralized finance (DeFi): 1. Decentralization - utopia or dystopia?.- 2. Use cases of distributed finance.- 3. Roadblocks for DeFi.-- V. GameFi-Experiential Pillar of the metaverse: 1. The rise of online gaming: a look back.- 2. The GameFi ecosystem.- 3. Web2 vs Web3 Gaming economies.- 4. Economic models.-- VI. The metaverse: 1. Get a horse.- 2. What is the metaverse?.- 3. Is it "a metaverse" or "the metaverse"?.- 4. Metaverse use cases.- 5. Technology advances.- 6. The journey continues.-- VII. The metaverse economic models: 1. Attention.- 2. Acquisition.- 3. Activation and retention.- 4. Revenue.- 5. Referral.- 6. Summary.-- VIII. The metaverse convergence: 1. A summary of friction points.- 2. SocialFi models.- 3. Design principles.- 4. The metaverse convergence.- 5. What about the big techs?.- 5. The best is yet to come.- IX. Community: 1. Community is the new commodity unlocking new opportunities for impact.- 2. Drivers and enablers.- 3. The fuel powering communities.- 4. Sustaining communities.-- X. The capital ecosystem: 1. The rise of digital money.- 2. The Initial coin offering (ICO) Episode of 2017/18.- 3. Did the crypto market learn?.- 3. Stakeholders within the crypto capital ecosystem.- 4. What is in it for the metaverse?.-- XI. Looking beyond the hype: 1. The cogs.- 2. What needs to work?.- 3. The opening act..
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