Chain of Blame: how wall street caused the mortgage and credit crisis
- New Jersey John Wiley 2008
- 338 p.
Contiene: 1. Angelo Speaks, the worldwide contagion Begins.- 2. The repo man meets the bald granny: a short history of subprime.- 3. The death of the Bailey Building and Loan, the Rise of Millionaire Loan Brokers.- 4. The beach boys of B&C: how Roland Arnall Became the Johnny Appleseed of Subprime.- 5. Angelo Rising: the Son of a Bronx Butcher makes good.- 6. The Holy Roller of REITs.- 7. The end of the (New) century.- 8. A Conspiracy by Merrill?.- 9. A Warning from Lewie: CDOs, SIVs, and Other Things No One Understands.- 10. Deep in the Belly of the Bear.- 11. Armageddom Times The Tan Man Departs, Bye Bye Bear.- 12. What the Hell Happened? Ten Bad Years for Housing in América.